Don Nelson coming back
Seriously I cannot imagine anyone taking control of a roster that has a lot of flaws but lead them to 48 wins in the most competetive Western Conference Playoff race in NBA history. I very much doubt any Coach other then Nelson would give brutally honest interviews after every game, No other coach other then Nelson has to deal with a woeful tendency of drafting project big men ala POB, No other coach would have to deal with an organiazation that has so far refused to admit dealing Jason Richardson for nothing was a mistake. And finally for a team notable for the repetitive draft failures much like he did when he first arrived in the Bay Area he's changed a fanbase accustomed to a losing culture for 12 years and made Golden State hoops relevant again.
Increidbly this is Nelsons 30th year in the League. His coaching record, Basketball achievements and innovation is matched by very few.
Don Nelson wikipedia
Irish Warriors Search for Don Nelson
Here's what one year of Don Nelson means.
Warriors on Hardwood floor One more of Nelson means once again the Dubs are the primary attraction on the Basketball floor. The only reason worth staying up late is to watch them on national TV or League pass.
Baron Considering Baron is in a contract extension year I very much doubt he'll opt out now the Warriors front office will (hopefully) shake off their cheap reputation and shell out the money. I'm slightly conflicted over whether we should resign Boom Dizzle. I'd love to see the Warriors take care of Baron Davis with a reasonable contract and have his Beardness retire a Warrior (like Jason Richardson should have), but I do understand the worries about BD's health and even his attitude with a poor coach (which Chris Cohan is almost certain to bring on sometime in the near future).
He's even got a sense of humour
Someone Will leave No way this roster stays put for the 2007-2008 season. He has no confidence in the young talent like Brandon Wright or Bellineli and POB is a goner. Should be interesting to see whther he retains the entire trio of Harrington, Pietrus and Barnes even though Air france and Barnes are probably gone. . I will definitely miss any of this trio that the Warriors front office understandably doesn't bring back.
Outcoached Forget the Dave Cowen days or Brian Winters the Warriors will rarely get outcoached.
No NBA Title though This has often been the main critiscm when these so called experts rate Nelson in the top NBA Coaches of all time list. Even though I agree Nelson relies too much on his Run and Gun style which doesn't work in this defensive age you could argue unlike a Phil Jackson, Larry Brown, Jerry Sloan or Gregg Popovich he's never had the same amount of talent as those guys. Discounting Steve Nash, Dirk Nowitzki, Tim Hardaway, Chris Mullin or Mithc Ritchmond nonoe of them had the same level of talent as Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Larry Bird, Isiah Thomas, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant, and Tim Duncan. It's bad luck for Nelson but when evaulating him in that type of list you have to look at factors such as those.
Look three coaches are better then him Larry Brown, Phil Jackson, Jerry Sloan and Gregg Popovich. But I would contend none of those coaches would want to coach an organisation that had just given out ludricious contracts to Dunleavy, Murphy and Foyle neither which proved they were worthy of a lenghty extension. He's had to deal with a cheap Front office and a team that's missed the playoffs 13 out of 14 years. Yet despite theese setbacks Golden State is back on the NBA map.
He's defintely the right Coach for next season.
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