
Shooting Obviously it doesn't help if you don't shoot well as the Warriors didn't tonight. Lets look at the statlines
Corey Maggette - 3/11 on the field.
Stephen Jackson - 2/11.
Jamal Crawford - 6/14 from the field and 2/6 from the 3 point line.
Beans - 2/5 for 8 points and 7 boards
Jackson There are days in which Jackson is a black hole on Offense and that's exaclty what he was last night. From 9:04 to 6:00 only Jackson or Maggette (once) shot the ball for the Warriors. During that stretch, the Ws typically made one pass to Jackson, who ran clock and then either turned the ball over, missed, or got fouled. In one stretch when Jackson passed to Maggette he airballed it and Biedrins who couldn't believe he had a touch on Offense forced a horrible hookshot. Jackson then intentionally fouled James on the resulting fast break and was pulled. In 4 minutes, Jackson had led the Warriors from a 7 point lead to 1 point deficit.
Maggette Here's hoping that somehow the Warriors manage to ship away Maggette before the trade deadline. He's added nothing as a Warrior. When he doesn't shoot the ball well you might as well forget about any Defense little rebounding, and no court vision. His long misses as well gave the Cavs easy Fast Break points. In other words Nelson gave up a Biedrins and Turiaf combo just to watch Maggette. Oh dear...
Crawford Considering the state of the Point guards on this roster Crawford is a slight upgrade if not much else. He needs to learn when to stop pulling for the jumper as there were several cases when running a Fast Break either beat his man off the dribble for a lay-up or at least draw in the defenders in an effort to get his teammates better shots. Maybe he’ll learn after more time with the team, but I wouldn’t say I’m currently optimistic.
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