
Back to back games It was one of the Warriors many strenghs last year they ususally somehow managed to win back to back games but after an OT tussle with the Raptors they came out flat and somehow scrambled their way to 52 points in the ugliest manner you will ever see. Still Magette and Jackson both clicked for 41 minutes and 20+ points so Nellie defintely said something.
Biedrins He earns every penny of his paycheck. Going 7-8 from the line and dsipaying a quality array of low post moves Biedrins was a force. Stephen Jackson is the only player who seems to realise that Biedrins is the only reliable offensive player on the team but either way he's the most potent offensively
Corey Maggette is the best free throw shooter the Warriors have had since Derek Fisher was traded away. The Warriors are shooting under 70% from the line every game, so I have to say that it's a relief when Maggette steps up to the line, coughs, and drains 13/15 free throws.
3) CJ Watson finally played like a third string point guard, matching his career high of four assists. He had a couple very nice passes early in the game. Then in the fourth quarter, he started reverting back to usual self, causing Don Nelson to scream profanities at him.
4) The Warriors should be 3-0 right now. If Don Nelson had found a way to use a deeper rotation against the Hornets and Raptors, then Stephen Jackson wouldn't have been tired at the end of the Hornets game, and Andris Biedrins wouldn't have been tired at the end of the Raptors game, and we would have won both games.
One more game to this road trip. The Grizzlies have another young and talented team and it'll be interesting to see how the Warriors match up to em. Hopefully the day off gives everyone some much needed energy
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