I can't take credit for this idea because it was the excellent With malice sports blog that originally created it. Yet while waiting for Brand to make one simple decision (hey it's driving most Warrior fans crazy)I thought it appropiate to whittle time away and name the all time Golden State Warriors team. Despite years of futility and wasting in the wilderness see the Dirty Dozen #1, #2 and #3. Anyway without further ado my all time Golden State Warriors team
All Time Warriors roster
G: Tim Hardaway
G: Mitch Ritchmond
F: Rick Barry
F: Chris Mullin
C: Wilt Chamberlain
G: Jamall Wilkes
G: Latwrell Sprewell
F: Lloyd B Free
F: Chris Webber
C: Nate Thurmond
Coach: Al Attles
Okay now for the explaining.
There was no doubt in my mind that most of the run TMC era which put the Warriors back on the Basketball map deserved a starting spot. At times during the early 90's this trio put Golden State back on the Basketball map even though they weren't Championship calliber. Mullin has Hall of fame numbers. He averaged 25+ per game five straight years while making five All-Star teams and was a no brainer for starter. There was also no way I could start Thurmond over Wilt. I love Thurmond see my article about him but stastistically Wilt is the greatest NBA center of all time and for those who wonder why a predominantly known Laker/ Sixers Center would be on this team well believe it or not part of his early career with the Philadelphia/San Francisco Warriors in 1959-64.
Hardaway had the sickest crossover in the game for a period of time and I would be intrigued as to how he would partner up with a graceful Center like Wilt. Rick Barry as we all know wasn't an incredibly popular player see his recent comments but for a guy who was statistically one of the best Free Throw shooters in NBA history as well as being one of the best pure shooters of all time he would be ideal in case Wilt gets in foul trouble. Same goes for Ritchmond and even Jamal Wilkes. Not too many people know about World Lloyd B Free but those who testify and saw him play during the mediocre late 1970 Warrior teams will say his 44 inch vertical as well as the 24.1 Points per game he averaged in 1978-1979 means he would be a deep scoring threat off the bench. It really is the same with Sprewell. People remember him for the choke of Carelsimo but not enough remember he was the last Warrior to be in an All Star game. Yes his attitude was all messed up but can you honestly ignore the scoring threat he was. I wouldn't think so. Plus Thurmond the exception he would give the warriors a lot of mental toughness.
Does my team win in an all-time versus all-time game against other franchises. I wouldn't think so against the Lakers or celtics but it's possible against the rest. With the exception of Wilt lack of size is the main problem as well as the defense and Chemistry issues. Like today they would rely on a fast-paced offense and guys who shoot the rock and score from any place on the court. Sounds like Nelliball right. Not really someone one like Al Attles who unlike what Nelson is critisced fir not playing people enough and seems to be playing favourites Al would give everyone a chance as well as giving everyone self belief. I also put him as coach ahead of Nelson because I would be intrigued as to how he would develop and coach Sprewell as a player.
So in conclusion with Hardaway running the point, the Warriors have one of the game's best distributors; Mullin and Barry are two of the best shooters of all time. Thurmond will have to stay out of foul trouble and Webber is around to throw a few elbows, but lack of size will be a problem.
Thanks once again to With Malice for coming up with this series. I will keep you posted on the latest All Time greatest Rosters posted
Cleveland Cavalliers
New Jersey Nets
Miami Heat
Dallas Mavericks
No Larry Smith?
If you want a rebounding machine he probably desrves a spot
Can't argue with this team one bit aside from Larry Smith. You claim this team is undersized and yet Smith averaged 10 Rebounds a game. Against the other All time great teams you linked to I can see them beating the Cavs and Heat but not the Sixers,Celtics or Lakers
Baron Davis should be on that team
Hard to justify him over Ritchmond or Hardaway really
World B. Free had mad hops snd could score on anyone from anywhere. He lit up Magic Johnson for 46 in Magic's Laker debut when Free played for the Clippers. He was a Shooting Guard not a Forword as you have him listed, Also World Free would be the starter on This squad and Mitch Richmond would come off the bench.
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