Exhibit A:For the past 12 years since Cohan bought the team it's fair to say the Warriors have been along the most mismanaged franchises in all sports. From a 12 year consecutive playoff drought where mediocity was accepted to poor hires Garry St Jean, Cohan seems to be the owner of from hell. During the 2000 All star game in Oakland a time where Oakland was exhibit A to the Basketball world he was duly booed when he took center court. He's just in complete contrast to Mark Cuban. Cuban is the type of owner who keeps a high profile, wears his jersey and shouts at the Mavs bench when things aren't going well. He is also the richest owner in the League. On the other hand Chris Cohan has the lowest net worths of any NBA owner and perfers to keep a low profile. He also almost singlehandely killed the Basketball team in the nations 4th largest market.
Exhibit B:

After the 2005-2006 season in the NBA where it seemed the dubs were ready to make their first prime playoff appearance in 12 years everything started to fall apart. Even thoug some of the players deserve the blame for this debacle the main culprits were coach Mike Montgomery and Cohan. Montgomery really did appear clueless at times and experienced the problem of players giving up on him Baron Davis more notably. Cohan rather then apologise decided to raise Ticket prices
and not acknowledge the horrendous product he had created. Rather then have the players apologise the Front Office and Ownership should have by adding their signatures to the list but didn't.
Exhibit C: A few Cohan links to prove the damage
He has his truck stolen
His interferring pays dividends
My way or the Highway
Bad owner according to Sprewell
Trouble at the Top
Rock Bottom
Dunce Cap are the problems not Salary
Cohan let me down according to Agent Zero
Sick and Tired off losing
I can't say I came up with the idea GSOM did but it appears a much better alternative is Ellisson the CEO of Oracle which for those of you who don't know is a enterprise software company. Ellisson is rumoured to have wanted to relocate the Seattle Supersonics to San Jose but which was turned down.A billionare sports enthiast it's more then likely if he gets turned down at Golden State he could change the losing culture of the 49ers which would make a welcome change from York
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