
Sweetest shot of his life in this dead arena
First off it was slightly hard to believe after the first half performance how we got away with a victory. Sixers seemed to have any type of answer for any shot we made and Dalembert destroyed us on the Offensive boards something Biedrins has a lot to learn from yet box out. It also didn't help every time the Warriors made a 3 the Sixers always seemed to have an aswer either from Igodula or Dalembert. The Sixers fell by 13 points and warrior fans were left to be thinking that a game deemed winnable would suddenly turn into a respectable 3-2 road trip.

Then Monta took over. Put it simply he gave us a reminder it's not too late to become the next agent zero. He had a game high 31 points 11 of them in the 3rd quarter and just blew by any sixers guards that was thrown at him. Of course monta wasn't the only thing going right for the Warriors. Aside from the usual contributions from Davis and Jackson despite shooting a horrific shooting night 6-18 I want to give props to Kelenna. How many kids would shoot 3-10 and still take the last shot on the end. It is a sign that even though he doesn't have the J-rich stats from last night he shoots a better percentage and has more upside. Plus in that critical situation he wasn't afraid to shoot. Gotta love Nellieball. Even with the Shooting problems the Dubs still tried to keep looking for the best possible shooting situations even with Dalembert inside. There were a ton of open 3's but time after time we looked for the ball inside perhaps an obvious change of policy. I think from last season this would have been the type of game we would have been blown out. However disclipine won out and yet despite the win our Defense remains horrific. The Sixers got every offensive board in existence and dominated inside something the Suns will take advantage off unless we improve
Can I also give the most unheralded player on the team credit?. DJ Mbenga. He played a paltry 3 minutes but even without touching the ball he showed he can make a minor contribution on Defense boxing out and getting in Shooters face. I still don't know why Nellie thinks he;s more of a contribution then POB but thats another blog post for another day.
Overall I'm delightfully pleased with the win. It was scrappy but even the great teams get lucky once in a while see the Celtics victory over the Bobcats. On Monday it's the Phoenix Suns and there's no gurantee this team will be fresh after one days rest last time these two played Nellie made the succesful decision of making Nash irrelevant with halfcourt traps and constant posterizing. Should the Warriors repeat this strategy. We shall see.
I'd rather have a fugly win than a pretty loss
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