I said it before the Bucks game and I was proved spectaculary wrong but tonight especially with Monta out is a danger game for the Warriors escpially since Portland is one of the hottest home teams in the League right now the Jailblazers being 7-3 at home. Since Oden went down injured major credit to them not disappearing as right now they lie at a respectable 9-12 and came off a nice win at Utah something Golden State is incapable off . However no matter how many excuses can be made the Warriors should grab a nice road victory ahead and try to end the drought that has somehow been stuck upon us. Moving on even despite the inverse records even the most diehard Portland fan couldn't claim this is a more talented team. Missing LaMarcus Aldridge will be a key help as Golden State looks to build on the Spurs win last night.
As much as I hate going off topic but there simply isn't much to write to write about tonights matchup I would like to speak about last nights opponenents San Antonio. I'm not going to deny how good of a team they are and how good of a coach Gregg Popovich is but the bootom line is the first time fan in Ireland staying up till 3 in the morning to watch game 3 of the NBA Finals simply isn't going to be excited about this team. I like the fact that their not flashy and work hard as a team without feeling pressurised in key sitiuations the Dallas game 7 nonewithstanding but this is a boring team. Even the most feverish Basketball junkie struggled to watch game 2 as he/she flicked between that game and the Soprano's. I'm not sure what their mindset was like but Robert Horry has evolved from the best Clutch Shooter of all time to becoming a nasty piece of work see his cheap shove on Nash or Bowens relentless dirty work.
Anyway enough about my anti Spurs rant my perdictions about tonight
Jackson plays solid D
Brandon Roy becomes the Warrior killer
Marco in place of Monta hit's a 3 and 1 assist
T-Hud has 5 turnovers
Warriors by 9
Remember the last time we visited Portland
Hi, bud. Nice blog here with a ton of great content. However, I'm a Lakers' fan myself.
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Thanks, I'd really appreciate it.
What happenned to your previous blog Allbball sports. Used to enjoy reading that
It was difficult to keep and update two sports sites with unique content. Thus, I decided to stick with the more successful of the two and keep The Sports Lounge open and attracting new members.
Thanks for the add. We are actually affiliated with SportsLoungeBlog.Com run by Neil Joshi.
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