The sad fact is being a fan of the dubs at the moment no matter how well the team plays there will alays be a select group of teams at the moment who just simply own the Warriors. Whether it's the physical play off the Utah Jazz, the Lakers and the deep bench they poccess or the Spurs and their patient Halfcourt game all of these teams can proudly boast that on any day the Warriors cannot beat these guys. Tonight the Spurs come to town boosted by an 17-3 start. The Spurs can beat the Warriors at a variety of Offensive games whether it's a slow paced grind it out style or a fast paced triple digit points affair. Suffice to say the only postive to take from tonight is Duncan is a gametime decision but I honestly don't think he'll play because Popovich is confident enough the Spurs can beat them. And who can blame him. Without Timmy D San Antonio has beaten the Jazz and the Mavs mainly because of Ginobilli going off.
To be honest since I think a victory is beyond us Nellie should start using some of his young Rookies right now. Wishful thinking because of Nellie's reluctance to play Rookies but how do you know that the likes of Brandan Wright DJ Mbenga, or Patrick O'Bryant will be big minute players if they don't play in games like these. The key matchup tonight really is S-Jax against Manu Ginobilli. Jacksons reputation for Defense actually started in San Antonio and tonight against the free scoring Manu should be interesting to see how he gets on. Apart from that to stand a chance tonight Biedrins will have to step it up in the post as he did when we beat the Spurs in tour very first matchup. Elson and Oberto aren't much of a worry on Defense so we should have our fair share of points in the Paint although that entirely hinges on Duncan's return.
Why am I feeling so pessimistc. Because The spurs have the best Offense in the NBA according to Knickerblogger and with the way our charming soft Defense played in LA Spurs should be the victors. My last point is one reason the Spurs are so porefficent on Defense is they guard the 3 point line so well which means unlike LA Nellie will have to improvise his gameplan which I know won't happen.
For a altnerative viewpoint be sure to check out the humerous Spurs blog Pounding the Rock
Biedrins has a 15 and 12 game
Spurs figure out Nellieball quickly
Duncan sits out.
Jackson gets 14 fustrated with Bowens dirty but effective Defense
Spurs by 10
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