If there's a time to break a streak then this really is the best time to end it. Since Feb 28 1997 dating back to the Sprewell, Mullin and Joe Smith days the Warriors have not won a game in New Jersey. In fact before Monta's buzzerbeater it's a gurantee they would have lost 9 straight to the Nets. Tonight they have their best opportunity against a ailing Nets team who are at best underachieving massivly with a record of 11-15 . Losing twice in one week against the Knicks was inexcusable but whats really damaging them is the lack of heart shown by Carter. Here's a Guard who has the chance to revive the once nasty looking combo of Carter and Kidd but right now he appears uninterested. Kidd is still a top 5 PG but just not in the top 3 anymore.
The Nets have a young roster Kidd the exception and even with their dissapointing start still have potential to do well in the Eastern Conference playoffs. Here's rundown.
:Kidd Easily in the top 5 point guards his play has been slightly dimished by the rumours over the Lakers trade but it will be fasinating to see how he'll get on against Boom Dizzle tonight. On the other hand his age and bad back are clearly slowing him down.
:Vince Carter I could easily repeat his lack of passion but it already is becoming clear this isn't the same Carter many fans saw in his Raptor days. Despite the problems Vinsanity has the height advantage over Monta means he could cause more then enough problems tonight.
Richard Jefferson: Is an All Star to put it frankly. Putting up unbelievabkle numbers he's killing the myth that the Nets frontcourt is weak. He's 3rd in the NBA scoring wise and gets to the three throw line a lot. I bet Kelenna, Jackson or whoever will take him can't wait.
Sean Williams: Very surprised teams passed on Sean williams in the draft a few years ago. This year he's proven to be a good Shot blocker and is a more athletic, taller Kenyon Martin. Had a 11 boards, 8 blocks game the other night and is proving to be a steal.
Josh Boone A Center that Rebounds and Defends he will present problems but to the same magnitude offensively as Jefferson. Will expect Beans to dominate him.
So why do the Warriors struggle in a city famous for the Sopranno's. I don't know but tonight is a must win because facing Lebron on a back to back would be hard enough. Set the twmpo early, clean the glass as they should and hopefully Harringotn outplays Jefferson and the Warriors will have a more then repectable record on this road trip.
These pillars put you off for good.
Monta drops 20
Kidd has 14 dimes
Jackson gets 30
Beans gets a doube doulbe
Warriors by 9
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