Manute Bol will go down as one of the greatest misunderstood players to play in the NBA all these years. A giant who had the misfortune of being 7'7 he was a source of fascination for the public who were bewildered how a man so tall could take as many 3's as he did. During his tenure with Golden State he attempted 91 and made 20 which perfectly sums up the Run TMC years a group that absolutely loved to shoot with very little inside production which explains the bizarness of Bol. At the same time Yao was selcted in 2002 Bol was trying to get a life together in Conneticut fighting against a Sudanese Goverment he believed had destroyed the nation. He has gone back numerous times to Sudan and to Sudanese refugee camps which proves the notion that not All Athletes are spoiled brats.
To consider Bol's legacy lets see how he first started playing Basketball. He was a Dinka tribesmen who had absolutely no notion on what sports were never mind Basketbal was told by his little brother he should give the sport a try. Sports and Sudan didn't have much in common and ironically Bol's first attempt at a Dunk he chipped his teeth. However he was talented enough to win a 1 year scholarship deal at the University of Bridgeport where even college coaches could see he had the ability to make a decent living in the NBA. In fact his College coach Bruce Webster claimed " He has the longest arms in the world". Quite an accomplishment when you consider Phil Jackson had the capability of outstreching both arms to open up a car door.
Bol's NBA career itaelf started in Washington. Despite his offensive limitations defensively he really did excel averaging 5 blocks game 397 overall for the year. He may not have been the rebounder the Bullets (now the Wizards) would have liked but he held the Rookie record for most blocked shots in a year and 4 consecutive blocked shots in one poccession against Orlando. There is a humerous photo somewhere of him and Bugsy Malone in fact here it is.
Bol went to Golden State and then we saw some of the offense he was capable off. He made 20 3 pointers in one season and fitted in the run TMC perfectly for two seasons and him and Chris Mullin developed a nice friendship. It's not saying much but his first season with the Warriors was his most productive PPG wise so maybe his 3 point shooting was worth it. After his Oakland stay Bol went to Philly but now the novelty was quickly wearing off. He was extremely durable playing in all 82 games his first season but two seasons later he played in just 58. His finest career achievment to date was hitting 6 for 12 3 pointers in a losing effort to the suns. Even Philly's normal hostile fans enjoyed his lack of reluctance to shoot. Bol went to Miami where he enjoyed one FG but the Center had too much pride left to retire.
Bol had one last encore stay in Golden State and what an encore he provided. In a game against Minnesota he made three 3 pointers that were remminsment of his old days. Later on he suffered a career ending injury a shamful way for a classy guys career to end. To be fair unlike many NBA players who decide to do nothing Bol was extremely active in his off the court career. He was vigrously active for Sudan politics perhaps too much giving $3.5 million to the rebels trying to overthrow Sudans dictatorship. He was also named Minister of Sudanese Sports and Culture but this caused financial problems. In fact Bol wasn't allowed to return to the States for a while because members of the Sudanese government accussed him of supporting the Dinka-led Christian rebels. He conntinued his desire to raise money for Sudanese reguess by appearing in celebrity boxing matches, Ice Hockey games and being a Horse racing Jock albeit briefly. In a typical NBA players life it is dominated by the luerious poccessions that come with being a Superstar Athlete. However when their career ends they could do well to remember the case of Manute Bol and make sure they don't go down the same path.