The Warriors are "seriously interested" in free-agent big man Chris Webber, a team source confirmed Friday night.
Two team officials confirmed that the Warriors are in discussions with Webber, who played his rookie season with the Warriors in 1993-94. There is some belief the two parties are close to an agreement.
A different source confirmed that Webber and Warriors coach Don Nelson, who separated on bad terms in 1994, have talked in an attempt to put the past behind them.
Warriors executive vice president of basketball operations Chris Mullin has said a big man is on his wish list

A few points
: I think the first view people take of this is this could get ugly fast. Back when Webber was a rookie in 1994 him and Nelson constantly clashed at practice every day. Nelson even made fun of the way he ran obviously harsh when Webber busted his rear end off for Nellie yet didn't get enough credit that Nash, Nowtizki, Baron, Jackson and Hardaway all Nellie coached players got. Nelson has admitted he was harder then he should have been on Webber.
:The tempo that Webber would like obviously isn't here but on the other hand the asset he has is a great passing game something Biedrins or Mbenga didn't or don't have. Eventually in this gut wrenching too close to call Western Conference playoff race teams will find out they can stop Golden State down the stretch of a big game. Webber opens big chunks of the halfcourt game and has a nice looking J. As the 76ers will tell you he can still bring a few 20 and 10 efforts each night.
: When Webber was a King him and Divac were arguably two of the best low post passers you will see in a while. Had it not been for this or that the Kings could have been looking at possibe NBA finals appearances. That Kings team could never win in pressure situations though.
: Webber to the Bullets for Tom Gugliotta and three 1st round picks (to make up for the ones they moved to the Magic along with Penny Hardaway was a horrible trade which started the futlity we took a while to recover from.
:This possibly if the move does happen could be his last season as a NBA player. This is more then likely Nelsons last season as a Coach. So seeing these two to make up for the falling out would be fun.

Here are some links to get you all excited
Believe it or not Nellie and C-Webb talking reunion
So it wasn't just Ribs
Warriors have interest in Webber
This is insanity Warriors and Webber getting close to agreement
Warriors and Nellie look to reunite with C-Webb
Reunited and it feels so good
Chris Webber Don Nelson reunion with Golden State Warriors no joke
Check out 0.33 in this vid Montana would be proud of that pass
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